
Welcome to Jennifer Deming Photography. As is the story for many photographers, my journey into photography began with the birth of my first child. As he grew and changed day by day, the realization dawned on me that all the precious moments in life are fleeting. I knew then that I wanted to preserve as many memories as possible; three more children and tens of thousands of photographs later, and with the blessed guidance of some amazing photographers, here I am. It would be my sincere pleasure to capture those precious, fleeting moments for your family.

Photograph taken by my dear friend, Kathleen Bowie.

In college, I studied nursing and after graduation I specialized in Labor and Delivery. My love for this magical time in life led to the natural progression of specializing in maternity, newborn, infant, and child photography. While I still do work as a L&D nurse occasionally, photography has opened up the door into a profession that allows me to stay home more with my four little ones. What could be better than that? As an artist, I strive to capture the sweetest moments in life in order to preserve them for you and your loved ones for generations to come.